Welcome to FindAFishingBuddy.com and FishingBuddyFinder.com
Welcome to FindAFishingBuddy.com and FishingBuddyFinder.com


FindAFishingBuddy.com was created in 2015 to help fishermen find fishing buddies in their state and other states across the USA. Post your Fishermen's Profile and view others by paying a one-time membership fee of only $49.00. There are no annual membership or other fees.  You will not find any garbage posted on our site like on most "free" sites. It doesn't matter whether you're eighteen or eighty, just a beginner or an advanced angler, fish freshwater or saltwater, fish from the boat or shore. We invite you to drop a line and try your luck at catching a fishing buddy! Please scroll down to "HOW TO JOIN"                                                    

We have members in all 50 states... Join Today! 



(Members in all 50 States!)




Please watch the video below about FindAFishingBuddy.com

Chuck Christopher, Founder



"We help fishermen meet across the USA!"

We have members in all 50 states! Welcome to our newest members:

Mark U. (NY), John I. (VA), Kevin H. (MA), Joelle L. (PA), Jason (MI), Robert (AK), Jerry (MN), Ken (PA), Kurt (IA), Gerry (IL), Mike (NY), Heidi (PA), Jay (PA), Jared (SC), Paul (VA), Dawn (WI), Renee (MI), Zach (MN), Frank (CT), Gavin (WI), Elmer (VT), Earl (UT), Richard (MA), Albert (NH), J.R. (WV), Bernard (PA), Liz (NJ), Paul (NV), Taylor, Fiona (FL), Bruce (KS), Abdulrhman (MI), Judy (OK), Anne (CA),  Hugo (OR), Mark (AZ), Ben (GA), Gale (WY), James (NC), Russell (VA), Colin (GA), Robert (IL), Mike (MO), Eric (RI), Jason (TN), Thomas (SC), Allan (CA), Daryl (MT), John (PA), William (NM), Igor (SC), Tommy (CA), Jason (NJ), Jeff (MD), Courtney (AL), Jon (SD), Gary (FL), Debbie (TX), Judy (AR), Kirk (OH), John (GA), Kevin (MS), Danny (KY), Eric (WI), Steve (DE), Jim (NE),  Rhonda (TX), Brandon (ND, Alexander (PA), Andrew (NE), Tiffany (IL), Garrett (FL), Richard (HI), Dennis (MA), Alan (FL), James (FL), Tim (OH), Jon (VA), Janice (AR), Bev (TX), Bill (CO), John (MN), Russell (IL), Orlo (CO), Michael (GA), Dave (MD), Bill (IA), Andrew (OR), Greg (IL), Michael (CA), Dick (PA), Santi (MN), Robert (TN), Blake (TN), Cathy (FL), Dennis (WA), David G. (MA), Ed (NJ), Luis (ME), Wade (MS), Andrew (SC), Robert (CA), Thomas (NY), Shawn (TX), Tshombe (MD), Bill (IL), John (CA), Tom (IN), Kimberly (PA), Henry (TN), Jason (WA), Zach (CA),  Bob (NJ), Roger (FL), James (TX), Reese (WI), Joel (CA), Ella (FL), Joe (NJ), Daniel (NC), Nathaniel (MN), Joshua (CO), Garrett (SD), David (NY), Abraham (FL), Preston (NY), Jedadiah (TX), Larry (FL),  Tom (MI), Eric (FL), Brett (KS), Mark (TN), Mark (NY), Barry (GA), David (ND), Russell (CA), Chase (TX), Russell (MN), Bill (TN), Don (GA), Bill (MA), Carlos (CA), Gary (TN), Lance (UT), Greg (CA), Jim (CO), John (FL), Jerry (FL), Matt (LA), Jason (NY), Kelly (MI), Herb (IN), Don (OR), Tammy (NJ), Matthew (VA), William (NC), William (TX), Kennith (CA), Jim (OH), John Paul (FL), Ron (AR), Rodney (FL), Casey (WI), Rick (FL), Bobby (CO), Dianne (FL), Amber (OR), Mike (RI), Luke (NC), Rich (CO), Nicholas (MO), Gary (Ohio), Aaron (VA), Alex (PA), Susan (FL), Ron (CA), Ron (NC), Dave (OH), Michael (OK) , Shiven (CA), Jeff (CA), Matt (WV), Jeff (RI), Darryl (GA), Rich (KS), Bill (FL), Brandon (PA), Larry (FL), Kevin (NC), Claudia (OR), Roger (SC), Red (AZ), Michelle (MN), Hezakiah (PA), Shelly (WA), Paula (FL), James (IA), Mac (RI), Timothy (TN), Dave (NC), Joey (TX), Steve (NV), AJ (FL), Robert (FL), Kris (TX), Michael (TX), David (GA), John (OR), Peter (NY), Ruben (OR), Christopher (AL), John (IN), Erick (CT), John (NJ), Chris (CO), Mike (FL), Chuck (MO), John S. (KY), William (FL), Rick (IL), Robert (NJ), Steven (FL),  Gilles (MA), Bob (GA), IRA (WI), Tom (Ohio), Raymond (NV), Bob (IA), Michael (FL), Tony (MN), Michael (AZ), Alexey (FL),, Adam (ME), Ted (FL), Doug (OH), Tom (TX), Charles (NC), Bogdan (IL), Rick (OK), James (MD), Steve (FL), Dennis (ID), Phillip (FL)


Member Comments:

CLICK HERE to read member comments.


Fishermen's Profile Example:

CLICK HERE to see an example of a Fishermen's Profile.



(Membership Information, Updated 1/13/25)

Note: Our One-time membership fee is only $49.00! There are no annual membership or other fees!

You must be 18 years of age to join!        

1.) Read the entire membership agreement below!

2.) Purchase a Membership.

3.)Complete the Fishermen's Profile at the bottom of this page and submit it.                                                               

4.) Allow 24-48 hours for us to review and post your profile under your state and county. CHECK YOUR SPAM! We will send you a password to access other member's profiles. CHECK YOUR SPAM!!! Your profile will remain posted for a minimum of one year. You can contact us by email to take your profile down or edit it for you.

5.) View Fishermen's Profiles, contact members and go fishing!

6.)Once you post your profile, we continuously promote our site in your area to encourage other fishermen to join. 



FindAFishingBuddy.com Membership Agreement: Click HERE for link to agreement.


After you have clicked on the link above and have read the entire membership agreement,  please do the following in order to join:

Pay a ONE-TIME membership fee of only $49.00 by clicking on the BUY NOW button below and then scroll down to the bottom of this page to complete and submit your Fishermen's Profile. Allow 24 to 48 hours for us to post your profile and email you the password to view all member profiles... Don't forget to check your spam folder! Note: If you are purchasing a membership as a gift, please purchase the membership below, but instruct the recipient to complete their Profile(s).  Again, don't forget to check your spam folder!

Option #1

Click the BUY NOW button below to pay your one-time membership fee to FindAFishingBuddy.com for only $49.00 Do not complete your Fishermen's Profile without purchasing a membership first because it will only be deleted!



Click on the following link to complete your Fishermen's Profile:







Please visit our partners below by clicking on their logos!

(See our FAQ section to advertise for only $95 a Year!)


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FindAFishingBuddy.com helps fishermen find fishing buddies in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, ,Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvanhelps fishermen find fishing buddies in, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming, Washington D.C.

FindAFishingBuddy.com helps fishermen find fishing partners in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, ,Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming, Washington D.C.

 FindAFishingBuddy.com helps fishermen find fishing friends in Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, New York, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, ,Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia, Wyoming, Washington D.C. 

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